Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This weekend

Well this weekend actually turned out to be a pretty good WoW weekend
for me. I managed to take my 70 dest lock through 3/4 of Heroic
Botanica (more later in the post) and then we ran a guildie through
ramparts. In addition I somehow managed two night of play and got both
my new alt hunter to 10 and my alt mage to 24.

The 70 heroic Botanica was an interesting ride. We started out with
everyone we needed, but a CC class. Then we got the CC class, but lost
our tank before we even got started. Then we got a epic geared tank who
DC'd after our second wipe. Then we managed to get another tank who was
mostly blue, but did as good or better. Unfortunately we got about 20
minutes from the end and our new tank had to go. The odd thing was that
in a normal PUG, we would have had to quit after the first tank left,
but managed to somehow keep everyone else.

Sunday night I was playing my mage in Duskwood. She's 24 and one of my
guildmates was nice enough to play one of his alts and help out. Along
the way we picked up a 3rd random party member and rocked through a
handful of quests in short time. During this time my CC ability was
pretty much negated since we were facing mostly undead. The one thing
that struck me was why can't I polymorph an undead? It's not like I'm
changing a tree into a sheep.

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